Partnership School's Team



Partnership Schools Ireland and Marino School - Established November 2018

Partnership Schools Ireland is a joint initiative by National Parents Council Primary (NPC), the Irish Primary Principals' Network and the Department of Education and Skills. Better outcomes for children are the main objectives of a “Partnership School”, achieved by the whole school community, planning and working together on agreed activities. Training to become a partnership school was provided by the National Parent’s Council in October 2018 in Marino Community Special School. Marino School established it's first Partnership Team in November 2018.

Collaborative Partnership

Through the Partnership Schools Ireland programme the Partnership Team becomes the main focus of the partnership in school. The Partnership Team works with teachers, supports staff, parents, children and community members working together to discuss the current work of the school, to find ways to enhance and add value through specific goals and develop a yearly action plan.

Action Plan:

The team has developed a one-year action plan with activities linked to goals selected by the partnership: two curriculum, one behavioural and one to improve the welcoming climate in the school.

  • Welcoming goal: Ways to make our school welcoming for all members of our school community and visitors to our school.
  • Curriculum goal – Numeracy: Ways to support maths in our environment with the introduction of visuals both outside and inside the school building.
  • Curriculum goal – Literacy: To support the school goal of enhanced access to literacy and support the Drop Everything and Read initiative in the school.
  • Behavioural goal: Encourage positive interactions among students – friendship theme.

The team conducted a welcoming survey in Dec 2018/Jan 2019 and the results obtained were very positive identifying Marino as a very welcoming school. There were recommendations to erect a sign which would be visible from the road, to indicate that the premises is actually a school. The Partnership Team monitors each goal and works together to overcome any barriers in achieving the goals.

Thank you to all team members for their time and support to the work of Marino School. We welcome additional support from parents for various jobs to be done!

Schools all over Ireland welcome this practical partnership approach towards developing our school communities -

2020.01.22 What_Principals_Say_About_Partnership_Schools_Ireland_2020.pdf

2019.10.24 Partnership Team presentation.pdf

2020.01.14 ATP Testimonial - Copy.pdf

Marino Community Special School,
Church Road,
Co. Wicklow,

01 282 9807

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